The Inner Monk

The first Christian monks did not live in monasteries, but lived alone in the wilderness as hermits. The root word of “monastery” is “monos” – alone. But as the number of monks increased, they came together and formed communities. These communities were separated from the world at large, in order to better observe a life of contemplation. And as an added bonus, by necessity, they lived close to nature.

These “monasteries” became centers of study and of writing. Ancient Greek and Latin manuscripts preserved in early monasteries, later discovered and combined with Christianity, are credited with the blossoming of the Renaissance and a whole new civilization!

As a follower of Jesus, and a wife, mother and grandmother, I like to spend parts of my busy days in quiet study, prayer and contemplation. Quietness can be very healing, and can yield a lot of insight and learning. This blog focus is on nurturing the ‘Inner Monastery’. (In short quick reading bites!)